Thursday, February 07, 2008

tuh tuuuh!

Hey peeps
I have started working, and earning the big bucks.
I really enjoy my co workers, the project and the process.
I am learning still and the guys are just so understanding and helpful.
It is a big relief to have finished the school.
It has been a great time, but I feel I am ready to learn more,
stuff that no school can teach you,
that is; work experience
My biggest concerns these days is weither we should add a new member to the family...
....what do you think?
I bet a baby pic ran thru your mind
I was more thinking about a car ;)
Lára travels both day and night,
by feet, a bus and a train,
Faster, quicker just it might,
take me in the rain...
MAN this transport is slow!


Anonymous said...

Hvar ertu að vinna?

Annars var ég í dag að skoða nýjan hugmyndabanka með kennslupeningum á ná fyrir kennsluna og þar stóð að myndirnar væru eftir Láru Garðarsdóttur :) ..mér fannst við báðar mjög fullorðnar á því augnabliki :)

Anonymous said...

Já kennslubókin sem að þú skreyttir er líka notuð í mínum skóla hahahahah